With enough details they appear in the current photograph the third behind right leg of bees. Is visible the basket that the bee places the pollen for her transport in the beehive! At the collection of pollen the bees make admixture the pollen with their saliva that contains ferments. The saliva makes two work, helps glue the pollen more well above in hairs and it is transported easily, but also suspends the germinability activity of pollen! -
Με αρκετές λεπτομέρειες φαίνονται στην σημερινή φωτογραφία το τρίτο πίσω δεξιά πόδι των μελισσών. Είναι ορατό το καλάθι που η μέλισσα τοποθετεί την γύρη για την μεταφορά της στην κυψέλη! Κατά την συλλογή της γύρης οι μέλισσες κάνουν μίξη τη γύρη με το σάλιο τους που περιέχει ένζυμα. Το σάλιο κάνει δύο εργασίες, βοηθά να κολλά η γύρη πιο καλά πάνω στις hairs και να μεταφέρεται εύκολα, αλλά και αναστέλλει την βλαστική δραστηριότητα της γύρης!
8 σχόλια:
Interesting info and shot too.
Come and be welcomed by my Duck with open wings.
Very nice details!
I always enjoy the interesting information you provide too Kostas. Lovely photo of the bee's leg and pollen basket.
We have legs for walking, and those little honey bees have legs for tranporting...!!
Wonderful informations each day, Kostas....thank you!! I am much smarter because of you!
details of this photo are great...and spring is here, because bees are everywhere :)
Another wonderful photo shot of a bee and flower.
Kosta, Do you have a Bee farm? I wonder because you have so many photos of bees.
Your photos are so lovely. I must send a link to your site, to a lady who is learning about bees, this year.
Beautiful. :)
Working and collecting all day long - the bees.
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