Collection of pollen from flower of banana. -
Συλλογή γύρης από λουλούδι μπανάνας.
Mushrooms in a corner of my garden. -
Μανιτάρια σε μια γωνία του κήπου μου
Butterfly in blue flower, big thorn. -
Πεταλούδα σε μπλε άνθος, μεγάλου αγκαθιού.
Pure honey of flowers from the region of medium Greece(Thessalia). -
Αγνό μέλι λουλουδιών από την περιοχή μέσης Ελλάδος(Θεσσαλία)
7 σχόλια:
What great photos of the bees and that honey looks so good.
Super photo of the honey... Loved it!
Have a great New Year!
That was some pictures quite out of the ordinary - I wote for the pouring honey one!
That honey seems so pure!
Lilli and Nevada
I try always to be very near in the nature. Thus I have a lot of occasions to take photographs.
The honey is my production.
I thank for the wishes.
I like the honey and I decided to have honey bee in order to I have my own honey.
I thank for your vote.
It is clean as diamond and has colour... gold
It is so beautiful, I can imagine how wonderful it must task. It appears darker than our honey we have in the backyard.
Thank you so much for visiting my La China blog! I appreciate your comment. My husband is a beekeeper also but only as a hobby now. His days of running bees from the US to Canada or vice versa are in the past but we love the bees. If you wish to see some of our beekeeping photos, you can check my flickr page at
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