Butterfly in the flower of ivy (hedera helix). -
Πεταλούδα στο λουλούδι του κισσού (hedera helix)
Bee in flower taraxaco. (In treatment with the Photoshop). -
Μέλισσα σε λουλούδι αγριοραδικιού. (Σε επεξεργασία με το Photoshop).
... water, frozen crystal, sources in the white tops of eternal tall mountains, and joy, scatters in his street, blow, air, hope, life, for persons, animals and plants. -
… νερό, παγωμένο κρύσταλλο, πηγές στις λευκές κορυφές των αιώνιων ψηλών βουνών, και χαρά, σκορπίζει στο δρόμο του, πνοή, αέρα, ελπίδα, ζωή, για ανθρώπους, ζώα και φυτά.
7 σχόλια:
Thank you for your visit, Kostas.
Your photos are super!
I wish you a 2008 full of love and peace :)
Your photos are stunning... very beautiful!!
The Rocky Mountain Retreat
Thank you for visiting my blog. :)
I have been looking through your blog now. You do have many beautiful photos. WONDERFUL! :)))
All, I thank for your good reasons, and you I wish from depths of my heart, Merry Christmas.
The butterfly photo... Stunning!
Have yourself a great Christmas!
Thank you for your visit on my blog.
Merry Christmas
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