Inquiring glance, perhaps and curiosity, the body always ready for reaction, but the eyes as chinks, are what you makes look at two times this photograph! And wonder, why the reptiles and the cats do have same almost eyes? -
Ερευνητική ματιά, ίσως και περιέργεια, το σώμα πάντα έτοιμο για αντίδραση, αλλά τα μάτια σαν χαραμάδες, είναι αυτά που σε κάνουν να κοιτάς δυο φορές αυτήν την φωτογραφία! Και αναρωτιέσαι, γιατί τα ερπετά και τα αιλουροειδή έχουν ίδια σχεδόν μάτια;
Oh Kostas ~~ This is wonderful ~Thank You. It is truly amazing about the eyes, I would never have thought that out ~~ but just recently I say a photo of an alligator up close ~~~the eyes are the same!!
… I feel the need to present in the friends of apiarists and apiculture, this rich on issues photographic material, that I collect at my locomotions in Greece with my beehives…
…νοιώθω την ανάγκη να παρουσιάσω στους φίλους των μελισσοκόμων και της μελισσοκομίας, αυτό το πλούσιο σε θέματα φωτογραφικό υλικό, που συλλέγω κατά τις μετακινήσεις μου στην Ελλάδα με τις κυψέλες μου...
Παρακαλώ σεβαστείτε όλες μου τις φωτογραφίες, προστατεύονται από (c)Copyscape – Εάν επιθυμείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε κάποια – παρακαλώ στείλτε μου e-mail. Please respect all my photos are (c)copyscape - If you wish to use one - please send e-mail
7 σχόλια:
I never realized the eyes were similar. Does make one wonder now that you mention it. What a cute cat.
Is it yours?
Well being the cat lady of 10 cats i love this cat photo
Oh Kostas ~~ This is wonderful ~Thank You.
It is truly amazing about the eyes, I would never have thought that out ~~ but just recently I say a photo of an alligator up close ~~~the eyes are the same!!
Wow ~~ What a revelation!
Good question and what a lovely shot!
I never thought about the cats eyes and reptiles eyes being the same. Strange. Something to think about though. Pretty cat.
A real cutie!
What a beautiful cat!! Almost as nice as our "Groenemeyer" ;-))
I love cats.
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